Our Lady of Monserrat

HAND PAINTED PLASTER STATUE – 6 Inches High & 3 Inches Width

The Virgin of Montserrat (in Catalan: Mare de Déu de Montserrat), popularly known as “La Moreneta”, is the patron saint of Catalonia. The image is venerated in the Montserrat Monastery, a symbol for Catalonia and a pilgrimage point for believers, as well as a tourist attraction. His festival is celebrated on April 27.

After seeing a light on the mountain, some children found the image of the Virgin inside a cave in 880. Upon hearing the news, the Bishop of Manresa tried to transfer the image to this city, but the transfer was impossible since the statue was too heavy. They decided to leave it where it was found and ordered the construction of the hermitage of Santa María, the origin of the current monastery.

During the War of Independence, which involved the invasion of part of Spain by French troops in 1808, the Monastery of Montserrat was desecrated and the image of the Virgin was transferred to Barcelona to prevent its destruction. In 1824, the new government allowed his return to Montserrat and the reconstruction of the monastery.

Since ancient times the Virgin was dressed in luxurious cloth mantles and grandiose gold crowns, which were plundered by republican militiamen during the Spanish Civil War. After the end of the contest, the image was presented with its original Romanesque appearance, stripped of dresses and accessories, which is as it is currently shown.2

O God, Giver of all good things, who didst choose Montserrat as a glorious Shrine for the Mother of thy only begotten Son, and through her intercession there hast granted favours without number to those who sought them there: bow down thine ears now to our petitions as we kneel and pray before Her image. Thou Who livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen.

There are no shrines in USA.

