Our Lady of Charity – Plaque

HAND PAINTED PLASTER PLAQUE – 11 Inches High & 7 Inches Width

Our Lady of Charity of Cobre, is one of the invocations of the Virgin Mary. She is the Patroness of Cuba. This solemn appointment was proclaimed by Pope Benedict XV in 1916. Later, on a trip made by John Paul II to Cuba in 1998, she crowned Our Lady with great dignity as Patroness of Cuba.

About 16 kilometers west of Santiago de Cuba, the town of El Cobre is located, founded in 1598. To the south of this region is the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de la Caridad. One morning in 1628, two Indians, named Hoyos, and a ten-year-old black slave went out to look for salt.

Not long ago they were sailing, when they discovered a white object on the waves, which they imagined would be the corpse of some seabird. However, they noticed with great surprise that the floating object was an image of the Virgin Mary placed on a table. They read on the table an inscription that said: “I am the Virgin of Charity.”

The image was transferred to the main altar of the parish church, where a man of faith named Marías de Olivera offered to dedicate himself to his service. The image of the Virgin of Charity is small and her face is round. In her left arm she holds the Child Jesus who in one hand holds a globe.

We pray to the Madonna for enlightenment, guidance in difficult times, hope and salvation. We ask her to be our model for a full, clean life and thus be part of the project that God has for all of us. Help us to be victorious after defeat, to have faith and peace in our soul.

Oh, Holy Virgin and Lady of Charity, with happiness and humility I come to your feet! Virgin of Miracles! You cure the sick, you give hope where there is despair, you give strength to the afflicted, preserve from disgrace our families, protect the youth, guard our children. No one can explain all the miracles and fortitude you give to the souls that come to you. We, your children, thank you for all your graces. Amen

Hermitage of Charity of El Cobre in Miami, Florida.

